Dairy Ice Cream Blender Kits

from $19.95

Make LUV ice cream in your own home! Dissolve one cup of hot dairy (see below) liquid with the contents of the Blender Mix package and whip it up in your home blender till frothy. Pour the mix into the container provided in the Blender Mix Kit and freeze overnight. It’s so easy! Perfect for folks living where LUV Ice Cream pints are not available in the grocery store.

For Keto ice cream add 1/2 cup heavy cream + 1/2 cup water

For Low Carb ice cream add 1 cup of half and half

Blender MIx Kit includes: 1 reusable, washable, collapsible silicone bowl with lid AND 1 ice cream flavor packet.

Does NOT include: Dairy, blender

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